List Active Sessions on RStudio Server:
Use the command below to view the active sessions on the RStudio Server.
>rstudio-server active-sessions
This will display a list of active sessions, including user IDs and session details.
Find Process Information for a Specific User:
To check the processes associated with a specific user (e.g., `jserra32`), use the following command:
>ps aux | grep jserra32
This command will list all processes related to `jserra32`. Look for RStudio-related processes in the output.
Navigate to User’s Home Directory:
Change the directory to the user’s home directory (e.g., `/home/jserra32`):
>cd /home/jserra32
Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access this directory.
Change Ownership of the `.config` Directory:
Update the ownership of the `.config` directory recursively to the user `jssear32` and group `users`:
>chown jssear32:users .config -R
This command ensures that `jssear32` has the necessary ownership permissions for the `.config` directory and all its contents.
After performing the above steps, verify the ownership changes using:
>ls -l .config
Check that the ownership reflects `jssear32:users`.
Restart RStudio Server (if required):
If changes in ownership impact RStudio Server functionality, consider restarting the server:
>sudo rstudio-server restart
Confirm that the server restarts successfully, and the user can access their session without issues.
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